Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This is Trevor.

This is my friend Trevor.
He likes having his picture taken, and I enjoy taking pictures.

....It was fate

Welcome to the Pub.

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is groud control to major Tom.

Hello all. I know it's been forever since I updated. ....But, I'm back. Here are a few pictures, and a few quotes to go with it..

I drink your milshake, I drink it up!
-Daniel Day Lewis, There will be blood

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi

All you need is love.
- John Lennon

An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he, for some reason , thinks it would be a good
idea to give them.
-Andy Warhol

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times..
- Charles Dickens, Tale of two cities

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.
-Cheshire Car, Alice in Wonderland

Computer photography won't be photography as we know it. I think photography will always be chemical.
- Annie Leibovitz
But then, shall I never get any older than I am now? That'll be a comfort, one way, never to be an old woman. But then, always to have lessons to learn .
-Alice, Alice in Wonderland

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pictures and Rants

Stellar, fall nights are back. Yes, I am still going on about fall. I really don't know what it is.

...Oh wait, I know exactly what is it. No more stupid tourists walking into everybody, no more vial b.o. smelling subways, no cars filled with hungover girls going on road trips driving in the fast lane when in fact, they're only going 75 km/h because the 2 revs and 1 shot of vanilla vodka was too much for them to handle. I can finally walk down the street to my giant green friend called Starbucks, grab my grande bundle of joy filled with 4 of the best damn shots of espresso Queens Quay has to offer without being asked where the ferry is to get to the island. I no longer have to worry about kids running in front of my car because their mother is to busy taking a picture of the CN Tower. The only 2 tiffs I have with fall is the subways are way to busy, slash filled with Toronto's stupidest people. One request people...wait until everybody else is off the subway before you get on. Seems simple enough...
Clearly it is not.

Yay, pretty flowers and a cool boat....I'm not crazy.

...And finally, my last "concern" you could call it about fall is simple video stores. I swear everybody hides inside their apartments and rents movies for 5 months. I got a weird idea to rent Drop Dead Fred the other day. I figured it would be nice and easy to rent.
Old movie right?, not many people really liked it once they grew up, mildly inappropriate for kids (don't you remember the best part "Mega Bitch"). So I came home from work stopped in at the video store in my building to rent it....figures the cheap hole in the wall video store doesn't carry it. So I I went upstairs and called all over Toronto and not one god damn store had it in.
...Oh, they indeed had it. But their one single copy was "out at the moment".
They killed Jessi's 2 hours of classic comedy.
......You bastards.

To sum it up. Nobody rents movies in the summer, they wait until Jessi wants to rent it then flock to every video store in Toronto and budge their way to the front of the line. Then smirk at me on the way out.

...So, the last part I may have made up.

Anyway...I'm tired, I work at 5:30 am. So I will sign off with a few more "happy" pictures I took on Queens Quay, hopefully encourging everybody to believe I'm not crazy. JACKI.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I just think any picture you take is a good picture.

Fall is here, summer is gone.

...and I seem to be the only person saying wohoo. Fall is great guys common. It's totally still sunny out, suck it up. Throw on a cardigan or something. JohnRay and I love going to the cottage in the fall, maybe even more so then the summer? I love the cottage in the fall because of the photo ops. Yes, I do realize the great photo ops in the summer. Something about the orange and reds of fall that get me though. I figured I would post a few cottage pictures. Maybe to prove that I don't just like taking photos of people..trashy photos of people.

Enjoy blog viewers.

Well we drank champagne and danced all night..

Break out the pencil sharpeners, Jessi's back in school.

...I'm going to be as corny as I can be and open my first blog entry with the classic "I can remember line...."

But for real, I can remember last year my friend, who by the way is super cool, telling me about a blog site he joined. And started telling me how interesting blogging really was. I also remember me going on a 45 minute rant on how blogs are stupid shortly after. But here we are a year later and not only am I getting into the blogging world, I signed up for a website building class at Ryerson with my Photography program. Granted, I am not building my own website yet. I figured I would start with this and see where it takes me. I'm very new at this, and need to get start getting my name out on the internet....That's not facebook.

...Facebook is the devil.

I have a few(very small) goals to make out of this blog. I would really like a way to show people a bit about me and also show them some photos without using facebook, or email. I have more people asking me to do photo's for them, but have no way of seeing my work, or even know who I am. This could possibly be the best way. Feedback from everybody is always appreciated. The only way I know what to add/remove/improve etc, is by feedback. I'll post as much as I can...The good, the bad...and yes, even the ugly.

All photos on this site are taken and edited by me Jessi Allen unless otherwise stated.